Join the MindSite News team

MindSite News is a new nonprofit, nonpartisan digital journalism organization dedicated to reporting on mental health in America, exposing rampant policy failures and spotlighting efforts to solve them. We seek to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the workings and failings of the U.S. mental health system and to impact that system through our reporting, making it more equitable, effective, transparent and humane in its care for individuals and families struggling with mental illness.

Current openings

Freelance writing opportunities

The vast majority of our original stories are from freelance writers, and we welcome ideas and pitches from experienced journalists interested in writing about issues related to mental health. We also welcome ideas and pitches from journalism students who are participating in reporting classes where the stories produced could be part of class assignments. 

Pitches can be sent to with “Story pitch” in the subject line. Pitches should give the basic gist of the story proposed in one or two paragraphs, along with the key sources and documents that would be used to report the story.

Freelance illustration opportunities

We also are looking for editorial illustrators able to develop images that we can use to illustrate our stories, which are sometimes conceptual and hard to illustrate through photography. We would love to develop relationships with a number of different illustrators that we can call on as needed. If you are interested or want to inquire further, please reach out to us at and put “illustration” in the subject line.