
Hidden Deaths in San Francisco: Overdoses Among Mayan Immigrants Highlight Urgent Need for Culturally Competent Services

For generations, indigenous Mayans from Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula have been immigrating to San Francisco. Although there has never been an official count, estimates suggest that as many as 70,000 live in the area. Since many speak indigenous Mayan languages, not Spanish, they may be unaware of services or the dangers of fentanyl.

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In Puerto Rico, Calling 911 in a Mental Health Crisis Can Get You Tased

When police use force in the San Juan and Arecibo regions of Puerto Rico, about a quarter of the time they use it against people suffering a mental health crisis, according to an analysis by the Center for Investigative Journalism. In more than half of these cases, officers discharged their Tasers, which can cause serious harm.

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The Last Days of Little Eddie

The banging and groans from the cell above had been going on for days. Kory McClary didn’t know the name of the man, but his distress was unmistakable. McClary heard him banging on his toilet and his bunk for days with only small breaks in between. He heard him battling guards who entered the cell. He heard him screaming…

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Deadly Consequences: When Police Response to Mental Health Calls in New Hampshire Proves Fatal

More than 60% of people shot and killed by New Hampshire police over the last decade had a mental illness, according to ‘Shots Fired,’ a Concord Monitor analysis published in 2021. Two years later, little has changed. Of the eight people shot and killed by police in New Hampshire since the analysis was published, five had a history of…

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